Gold Supplier
8 Products Website: https://www.displaychoice.com/


At what point in the process should I upload my art

You can upload art at any time during the order process using our Art Upload Link. Just be sure to include your contact information and the same company name that the order is placed under. Once your order is placed, we would need your art uploaded to move forward.

How long will it take to design my booth or proof my art?

If you are uploading print-ready art, we ask for (1) business day to proof. If you are wanting us to help with the design of your display, we typically ask for (1-7) business days depending on the complexity of the design.

Where do I upload my art?

Please use our Art Upload Link to complete your upload.

What file type should I upload my art in?

we prefer final artwork to be sent in PDF, EPS or Ai, although we do accept high-resolution image files, as well as Adobe Indesign.

What resolution should my art be?

The DPI of your images when placed on our templates should be a minimum of 150 DPI. A good way to double check the DPI of your embedded images is to zoom in to your artwork at 100% .

Where do I find the graphic templates for my display?

Templates are located in the “Download Graphic Template(s)” drop down box directly beneath the main product renderings on each product page.

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